Friday, July 29, 2005

Review for Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Pop Evaluation of "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel García Márquez

1.) Length for quality of literature: Very good.

2.) Prose: More beautiful than any other pop literature I've read recently. His lyricisim is brilliant and I recently found out that he translates his own novels from Spanish to English. I find that an amazing feat in and of itself, and then the fact that the prose is still so BRILLIANT dispite the translation astounds me!

3.) Literary Callliber: I've been reading a lot of pop literature lately. And this was published in the 80s and it feels like a classic love story to me already.

4.) Feminist Underpinning: None.

5.) Social Awareness: Interesting commentary on the Carribbean economy at times. Commentary on social deciet, on modernization of transportation, on love, of course.

6.) Content: The main character Florentino Ariza only concerns himself with love. To read of a character that does everything for the sake of love, is interesting and intriguing. Love is so difficult yet so rewarding. And it seems like one of the most interesting ways to spend life...only loving.

7.) Beach book or library study? Both.

8.) Imagery/Description: I wish Marquez would have commented on the scenery of the Carribbean more. I can, however, understand why he didn't. He lives there. He has lived there his whole life. The descriptions of architecture and the houses in which all of these characters lived were brilliant, as were the descriptions of the town, the river, the streets. But the mountains he sees every day may have been lost to him after seeing them every day of his life.

9.) Chapter Length: Too long! And not numbered, which is not my favorite because I often can't sit down for long enough to get through an entire chapter. Stopping mid-chapter is faux paux to me, it is a pet peeve of mine that I was unable to remedy or console in reading this novel. Please note that I believe the novel did not suffer for the chapter, length. Only I did!

10.) Page turner or serious analysis: Both. It can move very quickly if you're just reading for the love story, the most easily accessed and idenfiable part of this novel. To go deeper into serious analysis would take more time and thought. One facet of this novel you can seriously contemplate a lot of the philosophy of love. That could take hours.

11.) Themes/Fluency: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

12.) Philosophical quality/moral, lesson, message... The most interesting and wonderful way to spend life is to spend it loving.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Book Review Blog: How it Works

I've decided to do something useful with my prolific reading. Here it is.